Mother's Day wishes
Mother is an undying love, A love beyond compare, the one you take your troubles to, she is the one who really cares. Mother you are all of this and more, I love you very much!
Mum, you’re the greatest!! Thanks for all the love, encouragement and great cooking. You’ve done a great job bringing us up. We love you lots [ your names ]
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! Thanks for being the greatest. We love you heaps mum!! [ your name ]
There is no one like a mother and, no mother quite like you. You are so very thoughtful and caring, and I just wanted to thank you mother, for making my life brighter.
Wishing you the best Mother’s Day ever!! You’re the best mother a [ son / daughter ] could have ever asked for. Love [ your name ]
Thanks for being a great mum! We will always be thankful for all the love and support you’ve given us growing up. We love you mum!! [ your name ]
I couldn’t have asked for a better mum!! Thanks for bringing me into this world and always giving me the best. Love [ your name ]
There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.
I am really lucky because I have you. Some love one while some love two but there is no one mine to love except you. Happy Mother’s Day.
Mom I love you so much! Thanks for everything you have given me or will give me. You will never know how much I love you.
I couldn’t have asked for a better mum!! Thanks for bringing me into this world and always giving me the best. Love [ your name ]
There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.
I am really lucky because I have you. Some love one while some love two but there is no one mine to love except you. Happy Mother’s Day.
Mom I love you so much! Thanks for everything you have given me or will give me. You will never know how much I love you.
If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be a Mother’s Day every day.
A mother’s work is never done, She works from morning until dawn, She spreads her love And keeps you warm, But only once a year we say Mother we wish you “Happy Mother’s Day!”
Thousand of dewdrops can welcome the dawn, thousands of bees can be in the purple clover, thousands of butterflies can fly in the lawn, but I have only one mother the wide world over.
You are my friend, my spirit, my influence towards success. There is no replacement of you. You are the best and will be best forever. Wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day.