Mother's Day wishes
Today is no ordinary day. It is mother’s day and as the world’s coolest Mom it is your every right to enjoy every bit of it. So here is wishing the most beautiful woman in this world I know, inside-out, a very Happy & Joyful Mother’s day. Lots and lots of love, kisses and hugs to you. Enjoy your day.
Thank you for making our life so special by your mere presence. Here’s wishing you a very special day and lots of love & happiness. I love you so much dear mother. Happy Mother’s day to you.
Today is one special day of year, Let’s celebrate! Happy Mother’s Day!
I feel so safe in this world because I already know that no matter what, you will always be there for me to watch my back and pick me up whenever I fall. Mommy you are the best! I love you so much. Happy Mother’s day.
I always pray to God, May you live long, May you always be with me. Love you more than my life. Love You Mom.
Mom’s smiles can brighten any moment, Mom’s hugs put joy in all our days, Mom’s love will stay with us ever and touch our lives in precious ways…
Today is no ordinary day. It is mother’s day and as the world’s coolest Mom it is your every right to enjoy every bit of it. So here is wishing the most beautiful woman in this world I know, inside-out, a very Happy & Joyful Mother’s day. Lots and lots of
Mom You’ve given me so much, Love from your heart and the warmth of your touch. The gift of life and you’re a friend to me. We have a very Special Bond, which only comes from God…I’m sure you agree. As a child I would say Mommy I Love You,
There has never been a time or will never come a day when you will not be as important as you are to me at the very moment. You mean the world to me Mommy. I love you so much. Happy Mother’s day.
I might have never ever said thank you for all that you did for me. You brought me into this world, taught me how to walk, protected me from harm, motivated me to take decisions on my own, supported me whenever I stumbled and most importantly picked me up
Mother is an undying love, A love beyond compare, the one you take your troubles to, she is the one who really cares. Mother you are all of this and more, I love you very much!
Mum, you’re the greatest!! Thanks for all the love, encouragement and great cooking. You’ve done a great job bringing us up. We love you lots [ your names ]
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! Thanks for being the greatest. We love you heaps mum!! [ your name ]
There is no one like a mother and, no mother quite like you. You are so very thoughtful and caring, and I just wanted to thank you mother, for making my life brighter.
Wishing you the best Mother’s Day ever!! You’re the best mother a [ son / daughter ] could have ever asked for. Love [ your name ]
Thanks for being a great mum! We will always be thankful for all the love and support you’ve given us growing up. We love you mum!! [ your name ]
I couldn’t have asked for a better mum!! Thanks for bringing me into this world and always giving me the best. Love [ your name ]
There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.
I am really lucky because I have you. Some love one while some love two but there is no one mine to love except you. Happy Mother’s Day.
Mom I love you so much! Thanks for everything you have given me or will give me. You will never know how much I love you.
If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be a Mother’s Day every day.
A mother’s work is never done, She works from morning until dawn, She spreads her love And keeps you warm, But only once a year we say Mother we wish you “Happy Mother’s Day!”Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life… and today it is you! You are the best! Wish You A Happy Mother’s Day.
We only have One Mom, One Mommy, One Mother in this World, One life.
Thanks for being there through the tears, laughter and dirty diapers. Happy Mother’s Day!
You were the one to teach me how to spot what is important in life and what is not. Today I feel I did a fairly good job at spotting the most important person in my life. It is you! Happy Mother’s day! Lots of love, hugs and kisses on your way.
The best medicine in the world is a Mother’s Hug.
If I could had chosen, I would have picked no other. Than for you…to be my lifelong friend and Precious Mother.
Mommy, I Love You For all that you do. I’ll kiss you and hug you Cause you love me, too.
If there could be a day dedicated to everything you did for me, it would be your day all year round. Thanks a ton Mom! I love you. Happy Mother’s day.
Mommy, I love you, for all that you do. I’ll kiss you & hug you, because you love me, too. You feed me & need me, to teach you to play, So smile because I love you, On this Mother’s Day.
If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be a Mother’s Day every day.
If there’s one person in this world who can love us unconditionally, care for us without limits and make us smile effortlessly, it is you dear mother. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. I love you. Happy Mother’s day.
Life has never been perfect. It probably never will. But I will never ever lose hope, because I know I always have you to stand by me even if the whole world falls apart. I love you mother, so much more than you even know. Happy Mother’s day to you.
I love you a lot and always will. We know that you’ll always love us too, you’ll always care for us, no matter what the age. Just know no matter what you do, no one will be able to replace you.
I love you so much. I am lucky because I have you. Some love one some love two but I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!!
I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a mother as loving, caring and wonderful as you. Happy Mother’s day to you dearest Mom!
A mother’s work is never done, She works from morning until dawn, She spreads her love And keeps you warm, But only once a year we say Mother we wish you “Happy Mother’s Day!”
I love my mom. No matter what we go through, no matter how much we argue because I know, at the end she’ll always be there for me.
All your love, all your caring ways, all your giving these years are the reasons why my heart thinks of you on Mother’s Day with a wish for happiness and a world full of love.
Best friends and the best mother ever; you are seriously a gift to me Mommy. I love you. Happy Mother’s day.
Dear Mamma, you will always and forever be the first woman I have ever loved
this much.
Don’t wait for the Tomorrow’s to tell Mom, you love her
Happy Mother’s Day means more than flowers and gifts. It means saying thank you for everything. Happy Mother’s Day!
Hope your day is sunshine and flowers with happy thoughts to fill the house.
I always pray to God, May you live long, May you always be with me. Love you more than my life. Love You Mom.
I feel so safe in this world because I already know that no matter what, you will always be there for me to watch my back and pick me up whenever I fall. Mommy you are the best! I love you so much. Happy Mother’s day.