Belated birthday wishes
Sometimes when you are busy with daily duties and routine, it’s easier to forget about different things. Unfortunately, sometimes it also refers to birthday. Luckily, there’s an option that would be very helpful. You can use some belated birthday wishes text. They can be both a good word and an apology, depends on who you want to send them to.
Sorry for the delay, the fact I didn’t send you wishes on time, does not mean I don’t care. Wish you all the best on your birthday. Make your every different day special, not only when it comes to getting a year older. All the best and good luck with everything you are up to.
No words can express why I skipped Your birthday. I’m sending an apology and best wishes. Keep doing what You really love and always remember to stay close to those who wish the same to you. As You keep walking through life, always know where you’re heading. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a special day, one of many.
It’s obvious that You don’t need birthday wishes on time. A person this special celebrates every day of life, no matter what the date is. But please remember, that I really, truly wish you what’s best. Be happy, stay yourself and always reach for what you want to achieve. Happy birthday and good luck.
Special message for special you. Sorry I didn’t make it on time. But i really wish you what’s best in this whole world. You deserve reaching every goal you decide to make. Be strong, open-minded and keep doing what you love and with those who really love you. Best wishes, stay as great as you are.
Sorry, I haven’t noticed you got older again! But honestly, I really wish you what’s best and what you desire and want the most. Stay yourself, catch every day and be positive, happy and keep smiling. Happy Birthday, hope you had a special one. Sure you had, because you are special